Ten technology trends, 54 technologies that matter, 21 impact investigations across five global industries. An extensive exploration of the most likely technology developments over the next ten years can be expected of a technology-centric company like DNV GL. Yet we are also a customer-driven company, founded over 150 years ago with a purpose to safeguard life, property and the environment.
Our intention with this Outlook is therefore not to explore technological developments for their own sake, but to consider their impact on business, the environment, and on wider society. Equally, we recognize that how technology is used is a matter of choice. For example, the technology already exists to deliver an energy transition that is rapid enough to avoid dangerous climate change; getting there will be a matter of policy, investor preference and the collective result of individual decisions.
We have seen how technology has helped to lift millions of people out of poverty, but the considered deployment of technology across the full spectrum of the SDGs is needed as we advance towards 2030. For all the benefit technology brings, it can also sometimes create unintended outcomes and new risks, which is why governance and assurance are of signal importance to instill trust in a technology-enabled future.
I invite you to explore the full depth of our Technology Outlook 2030 . We hope that our work enriches your technology journey.