Power and renewables


Entrion Wind statement of feasibility
Courtesy: Entrion Wind, Inc.

Entrion Wind's Fully Restrained Platform is considered conceptually feasible.

Following a technical review of Entrion Wind, Inc.’s Fully Restrained Platform (FRP) monopile, DNV has issued a “Statement of Feasibility”, affirming that the FRP Monopile is considered conceptually feasible and a promising candidate for further development and qualification. The technical review used the industry-recognized service specification DNV-SE-0190 to detail and clarify the certification activities and facilitate achieving compliance for the new concept. DNV has deep expertise in the structural design of all existing types of wind turbine foundations, and broad experience with facilitating the process of developing concepts to final certified technologies. While DNV’s Statement of Feasibility is an optional step in the certification process, it verifies new concepts and opens the door to new and innovative designs that have the potential to reduce costs and accelerate the growth of offshore wind. 20230330 Entrion Wind handover statement of feasibility 640x388p

Handover of the “Statement of Feasibility” to Entrion Wind

The FRP monopile concept combines fixed and floating platform technologies, and can be used in water depths up to 100 meters. This is the first milestone in the design process, affirming that the FRP Monopile is considered conceptually feasible and a promising candidate for further development and qualification. The DNV feasibility study will allow Entrion Wind to demonstrate that they are taking a responsible approach to managing risk and putting in place the basis for a successful project.

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