Power and renewables


Equity in energy seniors looking at bill

Contact us:

Jarred Metoyer

Jarred Metoyer

Senior Vice President of Energy Markets and Risk North America

Providing reliable access to clean, affordable energy is the first step toward reducing energy burden and improving the wellbeing of at-risk communities.

We help our clients proactively include equity in their strategies and plans, for the betterment of their businesses and their customers.​

DNV connects the interests of stakeholders throughout the energy value chain from regulators and utilities, to developers and investors, to CBOs and end-users.

​ Regulators increasingly expect utilities to be proactive in the face of the energy transition. Identifying, understanding and addressing potential risks and vulnerabilities requires focus and technical diligence to arrive at the right preparedness strategies. Companies that lead are the ones that own the future.

An unjust transition is a major risk. A just transition is an opportunity to accelerate the transition and reverse historic inequities.

Public-private collaboration will also be a key factor in achieving the energy transition, which raises the importance of a multidirectional approach with a variety of benefits for each project.

Contact us:

Jarred Metoyer

Jarred Metoyer

Senior Vice President of Energy Markets and Risk North America

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