Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for suppliers and is aligned with the UN Global Compact’s ten principles on human rights, labour standards, environmental performance and anti-corruption.
DNV only uses suppliers who accept our Supplier Code of Conduct. Suppliers are required to sign the Supplier Code of Conduct or accept it as a mandatory appendix to the contract.
Subcontractors must comply with HSE requirements that are equivalent to our own requirements. Checklists are in place to ensure an appropriate ethical standard for hired subcontractors in line with our Codes of Conduct. New indirect suppliers are screened for inherent sustainability risks. Where needed, suppliers are requested to conduct self-assessments.
To better understand the exact requirements of our Supplier Code of Conduct, please see our Guideline on the interpretation of the DNV Supplier Code of Conduct.
We communicate the DNV Supplier Code of Conduct to all suppliers and suppliers are expected to communicate the content of our Code to their employees, agents, subcontractors and all other suppliers involved in the agreement with DNV.
This statement describes the steps DNV has taken to address modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.