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Ensuring safe and reliable industrial machinery.

Machinery consists of an assembly of components, at least one of which moves, joined together for a specific application. We use different kinds of machinery in our daily life; in the industry and other work places as well as in our homes. Machinery safety is regulated by CE-marking under the Machinery Directive; 2006/42/EC. This directive is transferred to national legislation in the European countries, and is the European product directive covering the largest group of products; from entire production lines to lawn movers and safety components. The essential health and safety requirements in the directive must be complied with for any machinery, and they cover all risks connected with the use of machinery.

Manufacturers of machinery can use harmonized European standards to comply with these requirements. There are several hundred product standards covering all kinds of machinery for this purpose. The Machinery Directive also covers so called Partly Completed Machinery (PCM). PCM means an assembly which is almost machinery but which cannot in itself perform a specific application; for example a drive system. A PCM must comply with the relevant part of the essential health and safety requirements, but shall not be CE-marked.

The Machinery Directive divides the product scope in two base categories; Annex IV and other products (non-Annex IV). Only products under Annex IV may require mandatory certification by a Notified Body, but many manufacturers of Machinery ask Notified Bodies to assist them as a third party to re-assure compliance with the requirements.

How can we help?

DNV provides certification on a global basis to the Machinery Directive as Notified Body 2460 with DNV Presafe AS as the accredited and notified legal entity. We are notified for the Annex IV product category personnel lifting devices and can certify by the two conformity assessment procedures under the Machinery Directive:

  • Annex IX; EC Type Examination
  • Annex X; Full Quality Assurance

We can certify non-Annex IV products following the same conformity assessment procedures in which case the end delivery may not be Notified Body certificates. We can also provide guidance and training for a better understanding of the requirements in the specific harmonized standards as well as in the Machinery Directive.

Legal notes

When operating as a Notified Body, please note that Norwegian legislation has to be applied.

Reference is made to the PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ACT of 10 February 1967 relating to procedure in cases concerning the public administration (Public Administration Act), Chapter II - VI when performing conformity assessments. The other rules in the Public Administration Act will also apply in cases where individual decisions are made, cf. Section 1 of the Public Administration Act.

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