The online version of IMO-Vega is extended with interim versions of consolidated regulations and resolutions which were amended or introduced by MSC 106 (November 2022) and by MEPC 79 (December 2022).

Relevant for d esign offices, shipyards, suppliers, owners/managers, flag states of all ship types: Bulk carrier, Containership, Cruiseship, Ferry/RoRo, MPV, Gas carrier, Chemical tanker, Oil tanker, FPSO, OSV, WTIV, Others.
The IMO-Vega database
IMO-Vega is a searchable database of the regulation text of the SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line conventions and other conventions, and codes such as ISM, ISPS, 2000 HSC Code, IBC Code, and much more.
The IMO-Vega Database, developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and DNV AS, puts all the necessary information on safety and pollution prevention requirements applicable to ships at your fingertips.
The instruments amended by MSC 106 include SOLAS II-2, XV (new) and Form (78P). Mandatory Codes; IBC, IGC, ESP, IGF and IP Code (new) (the two latter can be viewed under Mandatory Codes). Further, resolutions which include performance standards on ECDIS, resolutions on search and rescue services and maritime mobile satellite services. These resolutions can be viewed from Contents > Resolutions > MSC Resolutions.
The instruments amended by MEPC 79 include MARPOL I, II, IV, V and VI. Further, resolutions which include updated guidelines on the method of calculation for EEDI for new ships, updated guidelines on survey and certification for EEDI, amendments of guidelines for the development of a regional reception facilities plan, amendments of standard specification for shipboard incinerators, and resolutions to Member States on GHG emissions from ships. These resolutions can be viewed from Contents > Resolutions > MEPC Resolutions.
Forthcoming amendments to the mandatory conventions and codes are highlighted in green. Ref. Table of Contents > IMO requirements by enter into force date.
The online and offline versions are available on IMO’s web site for IMO-Vega on The IMO-Vega Database . Customers can also purchase it from one of the local IMO distributors, they are listed under distributors details. They may also contact IMO publishing at [email protected] .
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] .