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DNV總部日前核發暄達醫學歐盟醫療器材 CE MDR證書
DNV 2023 醫療器材訓練課表正式上線,大家快來看明年有哪些醫療器材相關公開課程吧
我方代表第三方驗證機構 2460 發出通知,地址已從 Veritasveien 3 更改為 Veritasveien 1
DNV Business Assurance 台灣依據相關規定修改公司程序並計畫於今年向TAF提出轉版認證
DNV總部日前核發太平洋醫材股份有限公司歐盟醫療器材 CE MDR證書
配合總公司政策將公司英文名稱由DNVGL 變更回DNV
Regional Communications Manager - Greater China
Send emailPhone: +86 21 3208 4518 *3130
Head of Media Relations, Energy Systems
Send emailPhone: +44 2038165702
Global Communications Manager, Business Assurance
Send emailPhone: +47 905 81 704
Director of Marketing and Communications, Digital Solutions
Send emailMedia Relations and Video Production Manager, Group
Send emailPhone: +47 409 04 294
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